3 Jan 2009

Portable Alien Shooter 1.2 Eng

Portable Alien Shooter 1.2 Size: 25Mb

The endless darkness and the somber, long passages of a military complex have become the abode of evil, as thousands of blood-thirsty creatures fill its offices, storehouses and mysterious laboratories.
Your mission is simple: clear the base at all costs. You will be provided with explosives to help you gain access to the teleports from where thousands of pitiless creatures pour. A stationary gun will aid in the defense of the area. You have been granted access to the most advanced weapons technology money can buy. As you earn your pay, you can equip yourself with additional weapons in the arming area and biomechanical implants that will make your fighting abilities super human.
The alien invasion has begun, we have one chance, and that is to stop them cold in their staging area. Do not allow them escape this facility, you are our last hope. The fate of humanity now depends on you!

System requirements:
Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
800 MHz
128 MB RAM


Legendary - Full Rip

Legendary - Full Rip | 2.9GB

A bit too late as it didn’t appear in the pre-chan, but here it is: Legendary for PC, by RLD ofcourse;). Haven’t played it yet, but I think I will, it’s looks cool. Have fun.

Legendary tells the story of Charles Deckard, an art thief who is duped into stealing Pandora’s Box. When he opens the box, he releases hordes of beasts thought to be fictional werewolves and gryphons and all means of beast and demon into an unprepared modern world. A full scale war between man and myth begins, and it is quickly complicated by the actions of powerful secret societies. As the person responsible for releasing this terror, Deckard’s unwittingly become the only person capable of containing it once more and saving civilization from being destroyed by the terrifying creatures of the box.
Full Game
Ripped - Nothing!
Multi6: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
Minimum requirements: 2Gb Ram, NTFS File system

1) disable UAC on Vista
2) Use Hjsplit to join all files and get rar file
3) extract .rar archive to NORMAL/SHORT PATH , somewhere like D:Games
4) run setup.bat
5) follow on-screen instructions


Code of Honor 2 Conspiracy Island PC-DVD

Code of Honor 2 Conspiracy Island - 2.29GB

Release information:

Release Date: 08-15-2008
Protection: CD-Check
Release Type:PC DVD
Game Genre: Shooter

Game information:

Code of Honor is back! In the latest installment, titled Conspiracy Island
Claude Boulet and his team of elite French Foreign Legion commandoes have to
face their biggest challenge yet! General Mendozas mercenaries have invaded
the ?le Royale in the French Guiana, where scientists in a secret atomic
research facility are working on an experimental nuclear reactor. Now an atomic
threat looms over the peaceful atoll and it’s up to the French government to
solve the crisis as quickly and quietly as possible


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29 Des 2008

Install BackTrack 3 dual boot with Windows XP

Install BackTrack 3 dual boot with Windows XP

Bagi teman-teman yang sudah mempunyai Operating Windows tapi ingin mencoba dan belajar tentang backtrack, jangan khawatir karena kalian dapat menginstal backtrack pada komputer yang sudah terinstal windows, syaratnya kalian hanya menyiapkan partisi yang akan digunakan untuk penginstalan backtrack. Berikut adalah penjabaran langkah-langkah instalasinya,,, kalian dapat mengadaptasikan langkah-langkah berikut :

Pertama-tama misal punya 2 partisi windows, yaitu :
- sda1 primary 40 GB ntfs bootable
(ini adalah partisi system dengan tipe ntfs buat ngeboot windows XP)
- sda2 logical 70 GB ntfs
(partisi windows untuk penyimpanan data)

Kedua-dua bikin lagi 2 partisi untuk keperluan nginstall BT3, yaitu :
- sda3 logical 2 GB linux-swap
(ini adalah partisi swap, biasanya 2 kali dari besarnya RAM kita)
- sda4 logical 10 GB ext3
(ini adalah partisi yang digunain buat BT3, boot juga ditaroh dimari)

Pastikan semua partisi yang ada telah di unmount even itu partisi windows (swap abaikan saja):
bt ~ # umount /dev/sda1
bt ~ # umount /dev/sda2
bt ~ # umount /dev/sda4

Buat directory di directory mnt, pada langkah ini dibuat directory sda4 :
bt ~ # mkdir /mnt/sda4

Mount sda4 di directory sda4 :
bt ~ # mount /dev/sda4 /mnt/sda4

Copy file-file utama dari Backtrack ke directory sda4 (proses ini memakan waktu lama, harap bersabar) :
bt ~ # cp –preserve -R /{bin,boot,dev,home,pentest,root,usr,etc,lib,opt,sbin,var} /mnt/sda4/

Bikin directory mnt,proc,sys,tmp di directory sda4 :
bt ~ # mkdir /mnt/sda4/{mnt,proc,sys,tmp}

Kemudian mount an already visible directory:
bt ~ # mount –bind /dev/ /mnt/sda4/dev/

Abiz itu mount :
bt ~ # mount -t proc proc /mnt/sda4/proc/

Kemudian copy file boot ke directory boot pada sda4 :
bt ~ # cp /boot/vmlinuz /mnt/sda4/boot/

Chroot directory sda4 :
bt ~ # chroot /mnt/sda4/ /bin/bash

Setelah chroot, prompt akan berubah menjadi seperti berikut :
bt / #

Edit lilo untuk ngejalanin dual boot :
bt / # nano /etc/lilo.conf

boot = /dev/sda
timeout = 1200
vga = 773
image = /boot/vmlinuz
root = /dev/sda4
label = BackTrack_3

other = /dev/sda1
label = Windows_XP
table = /dev/sda

#untuk menyimpan konfigurasi lilo.conf pada nano editor, teken keyboard ctrl+o
#kemudian simpen ke /etc/lilo.conf (klo udah otomatis muncul tulisannya, langsung teken keyboard enter ajah)
#trus klo mw udahan / keluar dari nano editor, teken keyboard ctrl+x

Lihat versi lilo sekaligus ngidupin lilo n nulis ke boot sector :
bt / # lilo -v
Jika berhasil pastikan tulisan ini muncul :
Boot image: /boot/vmlinuz
Added BackTrack_3 *

Boot other: /dev/sda1, on /dev/sda, loader CHAIN
Added Windows_XP

Kemudian keluar dari chroot :
bt / # exit

Setelah exit prompt akan kembali ke semula :
bt ~ #

Unmount directory berikut :
bt ~ # umount /mnt/sda4/dev/
bt ~ # umount /mnt/sda4/proc/

Reboot leptop / PC ke sda dan lihat hasil akhirnya….!
bt ~ # reboot

Selamat mencoba menginstal backtrack 3 dual boot dengan windows xp